Monday, March 30, 2009

Planning Outline - Redux


Research the methods and features of Bruges, Belgium used to prevent urban sprawl, and determine which if any could be effectively implemented in Kamloops.


1. Research the current state of Kamloops, the conditions contributing to urban sprawl, and how sprawl affects the sustainability of a city.

2. Find information on Bruges, Belgium and what methods they have implemented to reduce urban sprawl, and how those changes altered the community.

3. Apply this information to Kamloops. This will mean more information about Kamloops and its neighborhoods will be needed, and professionals in the planning area will be contacted.

Special Problems:

1. Will the cultural differences between Belgium and Canada affect the implementation sprawl reduction techniques?

2. What metric should be used to rank the effectiveness of the methods researched and the weight of their consequences?

3. Can travel be arranged to Belgium to gather first-hand research without prohibitive expense?

4. Can the language barrier be overcome for interviews with professionals in Belgium?

1 comment:

  1. I really like this topic.

    Since I've lived in Kamloops all my life, my family had always needed to own a vehicle. While growing up, transportation was essential for my parents to work, shop, and take us kids around.

    I remember it being very difficult financially to always maintain a vehicle needed to carry a family of two parents and four kids on the road all time.

    Finding ways to reduce sprawl would have an enormous impact on the quality of life for low-income families.
